SunaTech Inc.
Fon: (+86 512) 62 87 2***
Fax: (+86 512) 62 87 2***
E-Mail: yang.liu**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Suzhou Institute of Nanotech, Printable
Fon: (+86 512) 62 87 2***
Fax: (+86 512) 62 60 3***
E-Mail: zcui2009**[ta]**
Website: www.**
Korkeakoulunkatu 1, 33101
Fon: (+358) 3311***
E-Mail: donald.lupo**[ta]**.fi
Website: http://www.**
TEI - Technological Edu. Inst. of
Marathonomahon 32 Hilioypolis, 16343 Athen
Fon: (+30 693) 2 36 0***
E-Mail: info**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Teknek Ltd.
River Drive,
Fon: (+44 141) 141 568 ***
E-Mail: sheilah**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Thin Film Electronics ASA
Fon: (+46 13) 460 ***
Fax: (+46 13) 460 ***
E-Mail: bill.cummings**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Toppan Europe GmbH
Heinrichstr. 83-85, 40239 Düsseldorf
Fon: (+49 211) 7 32 7***
E-Mail: yagishita**[ta]**
Website: www.**
TSE Troller AG
Aareweg 6, 4853 Murgenthal
Fon: (+41 62) 917 ***
Fax: (+41 162) 9 17 4***
E-Mail: maick.nielsen**[ta]**
Website: www.**
Technische Universität
Magdalenenstr. 2, 64289
Fon: (+49 6151) 16 ***
Fax: (+49 6151) 16 3***
E-Mail: office**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Technische Universität Dresden Institut für Angewandte Photophysik IAPP
Mommsenstr. 13, 01062
Fon: (+49 351) 46 33 4***
Fax: (+49 351) 46 33 7***
E-Mail: info**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
pmTUC Professorship Print Media Technology of Chemnitz University of Technology
Reichenhainer Str. 70, 09126
Fon: (+49 371) 531 2***
Fax: (+49 371) 531 2***
E-Mail: pminfo**[ta]**
Website: www.**
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Office QC-2088, ETSE, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra
Fon: (+34 93) 5 81 4***
Fax: (+34 93) 5 81 3***
E-Mail: jordi.carrabina**[ta]**.cat
Website: http://www.**
Univerzitni 26, 32614 Pilsen
Fon: (+420 377) 63 4***
Fax: (+420 337) 63 4***
E-Mail: hamacek**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Avenue des Faculte, B8, 33405 Talence
Fon: (+33 6 75) 93 9***
Fax: (+33 5 40) 00 3***
E-Mail: info**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Splaiul Independentei, 313, sector 6, 60042
Fon: (+40 21) 411 ***
Fax: (+40 21) 411 ***
E-Mail: Andreea.Bonea**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Universität zu Köln Department Chemie
Luxemburgerstr. 116, 50939 Köln
Fon: (+49 221) 4 70 3***
Fax: (+49 221) 4 70 5***
E-Mail: klaus.meerholz**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Fon: (+44 161) 2 75 1***
E-Mail: stephen.yeates**[ta]**
Website: www.**
Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000
Fon: (+381 21) 4 85 2***
Fax: (+381 21) 4 75 0***
E-Mail: sgoran**[ta]**
Website: www.**
Studetská 95, 532 10
Fon: (+420 466) 038***
Fax: (+420 466) 03 8***
E-Mail: tomas.syrovy**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Fon: (+44 1223) 76***
Fax: (+44 1223) 74 8***
E-Mail: chris.rider**[ta]**
Website: www.**
DP Centre of Collaboration, LS1 2AL
Fon: (+44 113) 3 43 2***
Fax: (+44 113) 3 43 2***
E-Mail: t.lambourne**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Varta Microbattery GmbH
Daimlerstr. 1, 73479 Ellwangen
Fon: (+49 7961) 9 21***
E-Mail: martin.krebs**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Viva Developments S. L.
Avenida Juan Carlos I, 12-4th floor, 30800 Lorca
Fon: (+34 868) 10 9***
Fax: (+34 901) 70 7***
E-Mail: info**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
VTT-Technical Research Centre of
Kaitoväylä 1, 90571
Fon: (+358 40) 820 ***
Fax: (+358 20) 7 22 2***
E-Mail: antti.kemppainen**[ta]**.fi
Website: http://www.**
Fon: ( +44 1792) 2***
E-Mail: g.r.davies**[ta]**
Website: www.**
Xenon Corporation
Fon: (+1 978) 6 61 90 33***
Fax: (+1 978) 6 61 9***
E-Mail: LAPanico**[ta]**
Website: www.**
Xerox Research Centre of
Fon: (+1 905) 8 23 7***
Fax: (+1 905) 8 22 6***
E-Mail: info**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Xymox Technologies Inc.
Fon: (+1 414) 3 62 9***
Fax: (+1 414) 3 65 6***
E-Mail: Dhotvet**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
EDIF. Ydreams, Madan Pargue Sul, 2825-149 Caparica
Fon: (+351 91) 3 30 2***
Fax: (+351 21) 0 31 4***
E-Mail: sofia.martins**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**
Zeon Corp.
Fon: (+81 3) 3216 ***
Fax: (+81 3) 32 16 0***
E-Mail: M.Matsuda**[ta]**
Website: http://www.**